Differing from the others, this photoshoot reaches out farther than class. The assignment was to take pictures around hamilton county of places that are special to us. From my neighborhood park to Potter's Bridge, I had quiet a large variety of pictures that fit my voice. I set my scene using great depth of field for the majority of my images, which is different for me. I also used a lot of leading lines rather than my usual rule of thirds, Actually, my second favorite image from the shoot broke the rule of thirds. My voice was easy to display through nature scenes throughout the photoshoot. It helped that we could take pictures of a wide variety of things. This assignment helped me to notice the things I used to do when I was younger. I really got to reflect on my childhood while taking these pictures. My weakness was time. Although I am happy with my pictures, I think I could have gotten some incredible photos if I wasn't so busy. Overall, I truly did enjoy this shoot, and I don't think there is anything I would change.